
Press Releases

Volunteers invited to scour riverbank of trash (but expect to get muddy)

COVINGTON, Ky. – Volunteers are invited to clean trash from the banks of the Ohio River on Saturday as part of the Covington “leg” of national River Sweep activities held every year. Expect muddy shoes and clothes, sore muscles, a sense of accomplishment – and interesting surprises. The most common pieces of debris will be anything that floats: Styrofoam, smokele...

Reel ’em in: Fishing Derby is back

A big catch from the 2018 Fishing Derby First event since 2018 returns Saturday to Prisoners Lake COVINGTON, Ky. – After a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic and road construction, Covington Parks & Recreation’s Fishing Derby returns this weekend. This Saturday, May 21, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., young anglers from ages 5 to 15 will take their place on the banks a...

NKY Restoration Weekend returns May 20-22

Event to offer advice and resources for historic homeowners COVINGTON, Ky. – Ah, the curb appeal. The craftsmanship. The attention to detail. The rich piece of history that comes with owning a historic home. But, oh, the maintenance (will it be overwhelming?) The plaster repair (the mess!) The replacement materials (are they available?) And the specialized crafts-people necessary to ex...

Heritage trades employers invited to Tuesday discussion

Labor analysis, training model for new academy on table as City moves to skill up workforce COVINGTON, Ky. – Learning the “lost skills” related to repairing, restoring, and maintaining historic buildings is a viable career choice that will earn workers a living wage and make them highly sought-after by a wide array of potential employers. That’s the clear takeawa...


PHOTO CAPTIONS: Amy Kummler surrounded by an entourage at Mardi Gras in MainStrasse Village. Kummler, center, was joined by Stephanie Adams in accepting the award from Covington Mayor Joe Meyer. At Up Over, ‘proprietress extraordinaire’ creates place where all feel welcome (especially ‘hosers’) (EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth of 5 articles n...

Your voting location has likely changed

Whether casting ballot Tuesday or early, check to see where COVINGTON, Ky. – Tuesday, May 17, is primary Election Day in Kentucky, and whether you vote then or decide to vote early, chances are you will NOT be voting where you have in the past. The number of voting locations in Covington has been sharply reduced this year in favor of larger, more centralized locations. Here are deta...

Duveneck, kālua pig & wiffle ball

COVINGTON, Ky. – This weekend might not be as breathless as last weekend’s Kentucky Derby, Cinco de Mayo, and Mother’s Day combination, but – hey, this is The Cov – it’s still going to be fun. We’ve got a longtime art event with deep roots in The Cov (named after one of our most famous native sons), a nod at good old-fashioned gatherings and bringing so...

KEEPIN’ IT REAL in THE COV: Anchor Grill

CAPTIONS: Photo 4: Accepting the Authenti-CITY Award on Monday from Mayor Joe Meyer at Covington Yard was Carolyn Chapman, center, who took over when her Mom passed away in 1996, and Michelle Robinson, who works the grill. Photo 5: Addie Crutchleo works the grill ...  In fickle world gone mad, reliable diner has been there for us since WWII (EDITOR’S NOTE: This is ...

‘Unapologetically Covington’

CAPTIONS: Photo 1: The City of Covington's Sarah Allan wheels Stacy Vest of East to Vest Productions into Covington Yard.  Photo 2: Vest and her costume proved a popular photo op. (Photo by Sara Drabik.) Photos 3-5: (Photo CC Durham Studio) Photo 6: Durham Brand & Co. poses with its work. (Photo CC Durham Studio) New economic development brand, marketing messa...

KEEPIN’ IT REAL in THE COV: Hierophany & Hedge

Photo captions: Coil from Hierophany & Hedge, at 19 W. Pike St. Hours are updated daily. Augur and Coil in their shop, and then receiving the the Authenti-CITY Award on Monday from Mayor Joe Meyer at Covington Yard. (That's Augur holding the certificate.) Magic shop a veritable portal to the Old World (EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third of 5 articles nam...
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