
Press Releases

Fresh faces, energy sought for boards, commissions

City seeking applicants to fill pending vacancies COVINGTON, Ky. – This is an all-call for resumes and citizen engagement. Do you enjoy studying the nuances and legalities of zoning? Would you like to help guide development in Covington? Do you believe in the obligation of local government to help provide affordable housing? Do you love the incredible attractions of the City-owned Devo...

(Not so) heavy metal

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Confused about what you can and can’t recycle, not to mention the “where” and “how”? Let Covington’s Solid Waste & Recycling team break it down for you.) COVINGTON, Ky. – Everybody knows you can recycle that empty 6-pack of Ale-8-One or PBR. But what about aluminum foil, wire coat hangers, spray deodorant cans, and other metal ob...

Regional ‘Senior Games’ return

A scene from the 2018 games. Photo from Covington Parks & Rec. Two-week event engages those 50 and above in competition, exercise COVINGTON, Ky. –  After two years on the shelf because of COVID-19 restrictions, the Northern Kentucky Senior Games return, and just in time for its 40th anniversary. The games begin May 3 and run through May 30 and are organized by the Parks and...

Saturday: All about beautification

Volunteers spread mulch and planted flowers on Scott Boulevard during a previous Great American Cleanup event. (Photo from Keep Covington Beautiful) Volunteers needed for 1st of 2 Great American Cleanup days COVINGTON, Ky. – If you’re a fan of fresh air, physical exercise, community spirit, and contributing to the “public good,” Saturday’s your opportunity to co...

Earth Day ’22: Passion for recycling growing in The Cov

Some of the 424 new curbside recycling carts waiting to be claimed. (Photo used courtesy of Rumpke) Delivery of 424 new carts expands households in free program COVINGTON, Ky. – “The Earth is what we all have in common,” said the renowned Kentucky poet, essayist, environmental activist, AND farmer Wendell Berry, and it’s a fitting thought for the annual celebration of...

Derby wear (tonight), Earth Day & ‘sonder’

COVINGTON, Ky. – A couple of events this week remind us of how things ought to be in the world. The annual recognition of Earth Day on Friday and its accompanying events on Saturday exhort us to take better care of this one precious orb upon which we live and breathe. Similarly, a “Take Back the Night” event tonight is a depressing acknowledgement that -- all these years af...

City reaches out to native Spanish speakers

Translation of documents makes programs, assistance more accessible  COVINGTON, Ky. – To make it easier for residents who aren’t fully fluent in English to navigate programs for homeowners, the City of Covington is making documents such as applications, guidelines, and fliers available in the Spanish language. So far, documents related to the Homebuyer Assistance, Homeowner ...

And so it begins ...

With a 'nudge' and a crash, demolition of IRS facility under way COVINGTON, Ky. – The first hole knocked into the side of the sprawling IRS “Flat Top” building in Covington on Monday came via a “nudge” more than a “punch” or “slash.” Observers said it was almost gentle that way that O'Rourke Wrecking Co. construction site supe...

With a Caterpillar’s swipe, the ‘Flat Top’ era ends

As seen from the east, the former IRS “Flat Top” dominates the 23-acre Central Covington Riverfront site.   5½-month demolition of IRS facility begins today COVINGTON, Ky. – A Caterpillar 365 excavator will approach the former IRS data-processing facility sometime today and – with a ferocious swipe of its bucket – rip off the southern edge of the ...

Free car care clinic to break ground Tuesday on new Covington location

COVINGTON, Ky. – Several years ago, Mia Potter was driving a “beat-up van” that needed repairs she couldn’t afford. Then she met Bruce Kintner, director of Samaritan Car Care Clinic. Since 2007, Samaritan Car Care Clinic has provided low-income people with free, routine basic maintenance on their car as a way to help them move toward economic self-sufficiency. For ...
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