
Press Releases

$$$$ available for utility bills

City, Community Action Commission partnering to help families who lost income because of pandemic COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington residents who are having trouble paying their utility bills – a la gas, electric, water, and sewer – can get financial help for up to six months. The City of Covington is contracting with the Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission to adminis...

From bibs to bottles, free

Notre Dame Academy juniors Jaden Conner, left, and Madison Russell – both volunteers at Be Concerned: The People’s Pantry – show some of the baby items to be given away. Be Concerned to give away baby care items Feb. 5 COVINGTON, Ky. – Diaper cream. Teething rings. Bibs. Bottles. Socks. Baby oil. Crib Sheets. Hand sanitizers. Bubble bath. Lotion. Placemats. Baby bath ...

Covington construction trades school can’t open soon enough

The Enzweiler Building Institute – which teaches essential construction trades like plumbing – is opening a Latonia campus this fall.  Industry in desperate need of skilled workers COVINGTON, Ky. – John Kennedy sells paint for a living. He’s also a matchmaker, confidante, and sounding board. From behind the counter of B&E Decorating near Ritte’s Corn...

Trivia, tunes & Tagalongs®

COVINGTON, Ky. – Why is January soooo long? And cold? And gray? And why does Mercury have to be retrograde now? Ugh. (Insert “woe is me” emoji here). Enough. Time to get out and enjoy the (last) weekend of this seemingly endless month (finally). If cookie and beer pairings can’t jolt us out of winter doldrums, then what on earth possibly can? Perhaps a classic stor...

16,798 books, in one month

Captions: Photo 1: One of the grand-prize winners, second-grader Akeem Thompson, poses with his parents, Kera and Shannon Thompson. Photo 2: The third-grade grand-prize winner was Angelica Gomez Cordova, shown here with her mom, Julia. Photo 3: Mayor Joe Meyer gives a fist bump to another grand-prize winner, pre-K student Melita Valle, at the City Commission meeting while her parents, Ado...

Dog park demolition under way

City hopes to open facility this spring COVINGTON, Ky. – The construction of a neighborhood dog park on Covington’s west side officially got under way today. A Bobcat and dump truck operated by Public Works crews began removing pavement and short divider walls at an existing playground at Ninth and Philadelphia streets early this afternoon. The demolition is the first physical wo...

From 20 W. Pike to France

Ross Patten (maroon shirt) listens during the Eastern Corridor cookout & conversation event last fall. Key economic development official Patten leaving the City for overseas adventure COVINGTON, Ky. – Even if you haven’t met Ross Patten personally, odds are you see evidence of his work every day throughout Covington. New small business in your neighborhood? Patten likel...

Board games and ‘pretty decent music’

COVINGTON, Ky. – If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, we’ve got a few things for your consideration. Show your skill (and maybe a cunning, fierce competitiveness) at playing board games. … Cheer on the Bengals when they take on the Titans in Nashville (homefield losses hurt more, so there might be some Titan tears shed). … Listen to some smokin&rsq...

City, Fire Department mourn death of longtime firefighter Dave Studer

Dave Studer served with the City for almost 25 years. Photo used courtesy of Katie Woodring. COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington firefighter Dave Studer will be remembered for his banter, his joking, his playful kidding of fellow firefighters – a big personality that helped make a stressful job easier to bear. “He was a jokester and just had a funny way about him,” Chief Mark ...

Recycle by mail ... for free

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s called “flexible plastic packaging,” and while you cannot toss it in your City-issued recycling cart, you CAN recycle it. For free. Thanks to a partnership between Kroger Co...
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