
Press Releases

Special streetside dining extended to Feb. 28

One of the pandemic-related RecoverCovington outdoor dining areas, this one on Court Street. But changes are in store for pandemic-related ReCov program COVINGTON, Ky. – A special program that temporarily created additional outdoor dining and drinking areas in public spaces in Covington – including parking spaces, alleys, and medians – will be extended until Feb. 28, 2022...

Theme: Orange & black

COVINGTON, Ky. – October has flown by like a witch on a new broom … but before we start pondering whether we’ll be roasting or deep-frying a bird for that next holiday, let’s celebrate the holiday that is upon us: Halloween. This weekend in The Cov, there’s trick-or-treat (from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, so get your candy ready), and plenty of events celebrating cos...

Fright night recycling

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – For those dedicated to reducing the waste stream by either recycling or buying in bulk packaging, the scariest thing about Halloween isn’t the parade of ghosts and goblins but all those individual...

A more inviting ‘front door’

Friday event seeks ideas on Clay Wade Bailey gateway COVINGTON, Ky. – Every welcoming home maintains an inviting entry point … an attractive “front door,” so to speak, that beckons visitors to cross its threshold. “Welcoming” cities are not any different. That’s why the City of Covington is starting a public conversation about how to improve one ...

We hate cig butts & we cannot lie

Campaign to eliminate cigarette litter energizing in The Cov COVINGTON, Ky. – The campaign to keep cigarette butts from trashing up Covington’s streets is about to become super visible and super-charged. Thanks to a grant, a wrap-around ad on a Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky bus will soon tout the slogans “Trash the Cig, NOT the City” and “LOVE The COV, ...

Inspectors’ training on a whole ’nother level

Covington Code Inspector Rick Dames eyes gutters and drainpipes on one of the city’s older buildings. Overhaul of Code Enforcement has included higher certifications COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington division that works to protect residents’ health and safety while also preserving property values has elevated its training and expertise to the next level. Over the la...

Needed: Volunteers to plant 80 trees

Volunteers donating their time and sweat at planting events over the years have played a big part in creating Covington’s urban canopy. Saturday event targets shade-poor streets in West Latonia COVINGTON, Ky. – Looking to do something worthwhile this weekend? How about helping to establish a verdant canopy of trees along City streets? The Covington Urban Forestry Board will pl...

‘Trick or Treat’ hours set in The Cov

Use common sense, caution to keep kids safe from accidents, COVID-19 COVINGTON, Ky. – Whether you pass out candy or make the annual trek in search of some, here’s the official news: Trick or treat hours in the City of Covington will take place 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31. So … start putting those costumes together, buying that candy, clearing your sidewalk and/or s...

Ghosts, pollinators & pinots

COVINGTON, Ky. – Consider Wednesday’s stunning Full Moon (the Hunter’s Moon) a celestial welcome to the weekend. And it’s a good one. We’ve got ghost stories down by the river, a new “spooky” walking tour (2 miles of scary stuff), free perennials to attract a bounty of butterflies to your garden next spring, a bike tune up while you shop for veggies, au...

Save lives, get rid of unused RX

People can drop off unused medication 24/7 in the lobby of Covington Police headquarters at 20th and Madison.   24/7 drop-off box, Saturday event offer safe disposal methods COVINGTON, Ky. – Avoid being the dealer. That’s the premise behind National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, which offers people the chance to safely and anonymously get rid of unu...
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