
Press Releases

Graze, ’gaze, tag a butterfly (gently)

COVINGTON, Ky. – There is no excuse to sit home bored this weekend because it’s packed with options.   (Seriously, in well over three years of compiling this narrative weekend events feature, we’ve never seen so many compelling events.)   First, there’s food (the first Taste the Cov event AND the Taste of Latonia AND the Summer of Cov Night Bazaar), th...

Wanted: Community development leader

Parks & Recreation is one of the divisions that report to the City’s Neighborhood Services director. Apply by Sept. 30 to run City’s Neighborhood Services Department COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington is looking for a community development leader to replace Ken Smith in running the City department jokingly referred to as “the island of misfit toys.”   Smi...

Smarter labeling

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – Finally, there’s a recycling label that does not come with so much confusion. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the “chasing arrows” symbol (the triangle surrounding a numeral) was a...

Fluttery journey of a thousand miles

(Photo 1) Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Covington and the Kentucky Waterways Alliance built a pollinator garden in Barb Cook Park this summer. (Photo 2) The new Mayor's Monarch Pledge sign at Hands Pike Park in South Covington. Saturday ‘tagging’ events part of effort to save iconic monarch COVINGTON, Ky. – With firm but gentle pressure, Patrick Moore picked the...

How to spend $35.9MM?

COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington has created a survey to pick the public’s brain on how to spend $35.9 million over the next 3 to 5 years. The money can’t be spent on just anything. Rather, it must be allocated within broad categories related to recovering from the economic and public health challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By Oct. 31, the City must send...

City property tax payments due by Oct. 15

Covington keeps rate the same 5th year in row   COVINGTON, Ky. – Property tax bills for the 2021 calendar year will be sent to Covington residents next week and payment is due by midnight Oct. 15.   Residents have five different ways to pay: Online: HERE. By mail: P.O. Box 122655, Covington, KY 41012-2655. If you’re paying by credit card thr...

We remember

On 20-year anniversary, peace remains elusive COVINGTON, Ky. -- With their suddenness, violence, and scope, the horrific events that transpired 20 years ago tomorrow traumatized America. Even here in Covington, 650 miles from the collapse of the Twin Towers after a coordinated terrorist attack, residents found personal connection to the tragedy beyond just the newly discovered sense of natio...

Steins, sunflowers & Judy Garland

COVINGTON, Ky. – Lederhosen will be de rigueur this weekend in MainStrasse Village while, over on the other side of town, our favorite farm girl from Kansas gets caught up in something much bigger than a twister, and there’s a bunch of singing and dancing about it.   But if you don’t like to quaff and scarecrows are too scary, there’s plenty of other options this...

Pass the salt

Brad Schwenke and Gene Koehl of Covington’s Public Works Department check out the site where the new salt dome will go while Greystone Construction employees work on the footers. Public Works erecting ‘dome’ at Russell St. home-to-be for 1,500 tons of wintry road treatment    COVINGTON, Ky. – When some people go looking for a new home, they think ...

3-year cold case: No trace of ‘Billy’

Billy the missing goat, in happier times (before he went missing), along with two possible theories as to his current state. No splinters, paint chips to be found; reward possible but probably not probable   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Three years ago to the day, Covington’s Economic Development Department woke to terrible news: Billy was gone. The department had won “Most C...
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