
Press Releases

Heartless Bastards & Schitt’s Creek

COVINGTON, Ky. – Ah, that ever-so-slight coolness in the air – if summer must come to an end, let it play out with a subtle dip in temps and a paintbrush swipe of crimson and gold across a canopy of trees.   That’s the kind of segue into fall that makes you want to get outside and do something.   So … how about: An outdoor movie … free family p...

Oil, tires, TVs, & more

Upcoming cleanup events help solve trash problems   COVINGTON, Ky. – Need to do some fall cleaning?   Two events in the coming weeks can help you not only make extra space in your basement and shed but also get rid of problematic items like oil, antifreeze, televisions, and tires.   The first event, this Saturday at the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub in C...

Eastern Corridor 'conversation,' Part II

The turnout and the engagement were lively at the first “Cookouts and Conversations” economic development “activation event” in Austinburg last week, so much so that a second all-day event occurs Friday.  Friday event adds free photos, movie to economic activation effort COVINGTON, Ky. – Both the turnout and the discussion at the first “cookouts and c...

COVID-19 at City Hall

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a statement from the City of Covington). COVINGTON, Ky. – Three employees at Covington City Hall have recently tested positive with COVID-19 and precautions are being taken to protect both co-workers and the public. Among those are Mayor Joe Meyer and City Manager Ken Smith. Both were fully vaccinated, and – presumably because of that fact &nd...

New Covington officer a Missouri lateral

(Photo 1): New Covington Police Officer Neil Boshoff was sworn in by Vice Mayor Ron Washington, left. (Photo 2): Police Chief Rob Nader, left, hands Officer Boshoff his badge.   COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington’s newest police officer has over 10 years’ law enforcement experience in the state of Missouri. Neil Boshoff was sworn in by Vice Mayor Ron Washington and recei...

The Cov’s changing face

(Photo 1): A bilingual staffer at Be Concerned: The People’s Pantry explained food distribution procedures during the pandemic last summer. (Photo provided).  (Photo 2): Covington has seen an influx of Hispanic-themed small businesses, including Taqueria San Miguel restaurant. During Hispanic Heritage Month, City acknowledges, embraces growing community   COVINGTON, ...

Open Parks & Rec job all about ‘fun’

Jess Link, Covington Parks & Rec's outgoing recreation program coordinator, shows their face-painting skills. City seeking recreation program coordinator; apply by Sept. 24  COVINGTON, Ky. – Bring the fun.   That’s the job of the recreation program coordinator, and Covington Parks & Rec is looking for one to replace Jess Link, who’s leaving after...

Does your basement flood? Expect call or visit

Torrential rains in June 2019 flooded basements and tore up pavement, including on Montague Road below Devou Park. City employing next step to zero in on health concerns related to rain runoff woes   COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington is employing the next step in figuring out whether some of its residents’ basement-flooding issues, particularly those with potential health imp...

Graze, ’gaze, tag a butterfly (gently)

COVINGTON, Ky. – There is no excuse to sit home bored this weekend because it’s packed with options.   (Seriously, in well over three years of compiling this narrative weekend events feature, we’ve never seen so many compelling events.)   First, there’s food (the first Taste the Cov event AND the Taste of Latonia AND the Summer of Cov Night Bazaar), th...

Wanted: Community development leader

Parks & Recreation is one of the divisions that report to the City’s Neighborhood Services director. Apply by Sept. 30 to run City’s Neighborhood Services Department COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington is looking for a community development leader to replace Ken Smith in running the City department jokingly referred to as “the island of misfit toys.”   Smi...
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