
Press Releases

‘Small but mighty’ wine shop opens its doors

City helps The Bottle Shop by Ripple cut ribbon   COVINGTON, Ky. – Ripple Wine Bar now has a sister business, one that sells specialty wine by the bottle instead of the glass.   This afternoon, City officials helped the owners of both – Kathleen and Matt Haws – ceremonially cut the ribbon on their newest creation just two doors down on Pike Street from their old one. &...

Small businesses: Apply for $$$ by Friday

Among the 84 small businesses and projects helped by the Small Business Program: The Bottle Shop, a boutique retail wine and sundries shop that opened just a few days ago on Pike Street. City offering help renovating exteriors, paying startups’ rent  COVINGTON, Ky. – Friday is the deadline to apply for the latest round of City funding offered through two popular incentive programs...

Mysteries of zoning, revealed

Online search tool gives land-use info for specific addresses   COVINGTON, Ky. – Imagine one of these scenarios: You want to erect a fence around your yard, but you don’t know how close to the boundary line you’re supposed to put it, how high it can be, and what it can be made of. You see a “for sale” sign in the window of a corner commercial building su...

City Hall to open (4!) hours late Tuesday

UPDATE: The delay has been extended until noon. We apologize for the inconvenience. COVINGTON, Ky. – City Hall will open at 10 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. on Tuesday so the fire suppression system can be repaired.   Since all water will be turned off to the building during that time, the building will be closed to employees and the public.   Normal office hours – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p...

Out-of-doors fun

COVINGTON, Ky. – Be smart out there.   The highly contagious strain of COVID-19 called the Delta variant is making itself felt in higher case numbers and deaths, with the biggest risk among children and adults who have chosen not to vaccinate.  We beg you to be cautious. We value your health and we don’t want our local economy to shut down again because of reckless beha...

Brent Spence traffic pattern shifting

One lane this weekend, then I-75, I-71 to ‘split’ before bridge COVINGTON, Ky. – Expect huge delays this weekend when northbound traffic on Interstates 71/75 will be reduced to one lane so a new significant travel pattern change can be implemented, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced this week.   The new travel pattern will then remain in place until Aug. 29. &n...

Need a job? Fidelity can help

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Kevin Canafax of Fidelity Investments announced the 600 new jobs in Covington this morning. (Photo provided by the Office of the Governor) Financial services company to add 600 people in The Cov  COVINGTON, Ky. – If you need a job, Fidelity Investments has almost 600 of them to fill – and for most of those, you don’t need an advanced degree in ...

Free vouchers to ease use of transfer station

Program lets residents to drop off bulk trash, within reason   COVINGTON, Ky. – A new voucher system that goes into effect tomorrow will allow Covington residents to drop off yard waste, bulk items like furniture, and a limited number of tires for free at the Covington transfer station.   The program is the newest step in the City’s ongoing efforts to work with Rumpke Waste &...

Poetry, puppies & pucks

COVINGTON, Ky. – The 4th of July is 11 days in the rearview mirror, and it appears as though most of y’all have finally finished shooting off fireworks … ergo, you’re looking for something to do.   So whether you’re still up for loud, like live music, or want something quieter, like a poetry reading or yoga with kitties, we have you covered.   Dogs & c...

Útiles Escolares Gratuitos

COVINGTON, Ky. – Necesitan registrarse ante las 5:00 de la tarde el 31 de julio los padres de niños que asisten a las escuelas dentro de los condados Kenton, Campbell y Boone de grado kindergarten hasta el grado doce para recibir útiles escolares gratuitos. La organización Northern Kentucky Harvest tiene más de mil mochilas llenas de útiles escolares con ...
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