
Press Releases

‘A’ is for apple (manzana)

Jah’Faye and her Mom with an alphabet sign “passport” book ((NEW LOCATION: Because of the anticipated thunderstorms, the Read Ready Covington walking tour event from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. today has been moved indoors at the Kenton County Public Library in Covington.  Families with small kids can pick up the “passport” activity booklets today and can head out to &ldquo...

Goal of CDBG/HOME? Help people

Comment period underway for federal grant programs   COVINGTON, Ky. – The public has two opportunities to weigh in on a draft proposal that outlines how to invest almost $1.5 million in Covington neighborhoods, plus almost $600,000 on affordable housing in Covington and four surrounding cities.   The money represents the expected annual allocation from the CDBG and HOME federal gra...

Commission meeting again in person

Public can attend or watch from home   COVINGTON, Ky. – The weekly meetings of the Covington Board of Commissioners will move to a hybrid in-person/virtual format beginning Tuesday night.   That means the public – as well as the Commission itself – will have the option of “attending” the meeting in person or following along on their computer screen, as descr...

City offices closing early Friday

COVINGTON, Ky. – City Hall offices at 20 W. Pike St. will close at noon Friday for celebration of the “spring holiday” … (today’s snow flurries notwithstanding). City Hall reopens at 8 a.m. Monday. # # #

Mission: Save the monarch

One of the Covington pollinator gardens created as part of the 2017 Mayors’ Monarch Pledge is in Hands Pike Park in South Covington, shown here.  Saturday cleanup at Goebel pollinator garden part of national effort   COVINGTON, Ky. – Volunteers are invited to gather Saturday to remove dead nettle and dead leaves from a corner of Goebel Park in a gardening event that has ...

Combined trash, storm water bill in the mail

Payment is due April 30; homeowners can also go online   COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington’s Finance Department is mailing a bill to residents today that combines annual fees related to trash collection and storm water service.   Payment is due by April 30.   That’s the quick, basic explanation. But here’s a little additional background: This is the first year ...

Simple Truth: A brand-specific recycling solution

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.)   COVINGTON, Ky. – Cincinnati’s Kroger Co. is the nation’s largest operator of traditional supermarkets, and its Simple Truth natural foods brand is skyrocketing in popularity.   The drawback for recycl...

‘Fresh’ faces, energy sought for 6 City boards

The City needs to fill a vacancy on the board that makes recommendations about  infrastructure and maintenance in Devou Park. Apply now to fill vacancies COVINGTON, Ky. – You don’t have to run for elected office to make a difference in how the City of Covington operates.   Instead, you can serve on any one of 30 or so appointed boards and commissions that do everything from g...

Another blighted building for sale

The City is looking to sell 1530 Holman St. to developers or rehabbers who will renovate it into single-family, owner-occupied housing. City seeking proposals for single-family housing on Holman COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington is putting another long-vacant, blighted building on the market in an ongoing effort to create single-family housing in established neighborhoods – this o...

From radio ‘star’ to retirement

City Clerk Maggie Nyhan is calling an end to a career at Covington City Hall that has lasted over two decades. City Clerk Nyhan – aka ‘Maggie’ – retiring after 20½ years  COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington City Clerk Maggie Nyhan is ending her 20½-year career at City Hall with an array of memories, including this: For a time, she was a radio “star&rdq...
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