
Press Releases

Job openings feature outdoor work

The City is hiring landscape and maintenance workers for the year. Here, a permanent employee in the Public Works Department, James Johnson, knocks down weeds on the riverfront. Public Works, Solid Waste & Recycling hiring ‘seasonals’ COVINGTON, Ky. – Want a job working in the fresh air of the great outdoors instead of being “chained” to a desk or stuck on a facto...

Ad circulars piling up? You can opt out

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – Some people love the ad “circulars” delivered weekly to their doorstep. After all, they’re chock full of information about stores, sales, and services. But some people aren’t so fond, ...

Yes, Virginia, yogurt ‘tubs’ can (now) be recycled

Food containers that look like “tubs” can now be recycled in Covington. Rumpke expands ‘acceptable’ list in Covington’s curbside program  COVINGTON, Ky. – The “Can this be recycled?” quandary just got easier in Covington, at least when it comes to plastic:   Containers for food products like butter, yogurt, and applesauce – aka &ldqu...

Federal $$$ available for small businesses

To apply or learn more, contact KSBDC ‘coaches’ in Covington COVINGTON, Ky. –Small businesses in Covington affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to reach out to business “coaches” located in the City and inquire about two federal financial assistance programs available today: The Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP. The Economic Injury Disaster Loa...

IRS lot open for drive-thru COVID-19 testing

  The former IRS parking lot on the west side of Johnson Street has been transformed into a drive-thru, by-appointment COVID-19 testing facility. City lets feds use site beginning Monday; sign up online   COVINGTON, Ky. – A drive-thru COVID-19 testing facility is coming to Covington starting Monday, located in the massive parking lot owned by the City and formerly used by employe...

‘Problem' trees removed with City’s blessing

Duke pruning this week in West Latonia   COVINGTON, Ky. – A contractor for Duke Energy is pruning trees throughout West Latonia this week, and that work will include the removal of nine or so “problem” trees in the public right of way, City of Covington officials said.   The trees to be removed are either structurally weakened, full of decay, or simply the wrong tree fo...

Covington PD welcomes native son

Police Chief Rob Nader hands Officer Devyn Harris his new Covington badge during today’s swearing-in ceremony as Mayor Joe Meyer looks on. COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington’s newest police officer is “coming home.”  Devyn Harris, a Covington native and a graduate of Holy Cross High School, was sworn in today during a brief, socially distanced ceremony at City Hall. &n...

City Hall closed Friday

COVINGTON, Ky. - Happy New Year from the City of Covington.   Note that offices at City Hall at 20 W. Pike St. will be closed Friday and will reopen at 8 a.m. Monday.*   May the coming year be full of peace, hope, joy, and good health.   ***   *Note, however, that operations at City Hall have been affected by the pandemic: The lobby remains closed to the public. ...

Gravitating greener in 2021

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – When you make your New Year’s Resolutions this week, how about adding “I will take tangible steps to protect the air, earth, and waterways for my children and generations to come.”   How c...

’21-22 Commission takes oath of office

State Rep. Buddy Wheatley, at far right, administers the oath of office to, from left, Commissioners Tim Downing and Ron Washington, Mayor Joe Meyer, and Commissioners Shannon Smith and Michelle Williams. But inauguration reception canceled by pandemic COVINGTON, Ky. – The “pomp” was non-existent. The “circumstance” was limited to the bare minimum required by law. Bu...
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