Photos 1 and 2: Work has begun on Scott and Greenup streets.
Photo 3: A participation board at the 2019 open house listed residents' concerns about the existing Scott-Greenup traffic setup.
City worked with state, community leaders on safety project
COVINGTON, Ky. – The physical work of moving a designated state highway from several densely populated Covington neighborhoods is ...
Photo 1: This detail from a conceptual rendering from KZF Design and Hub+Weber Architects suggests how the public art installation (yet to be created) could fit into the space at Third and Russell streets.
Photo 2: Some of the “artifacts” saved from the IRS Flattop complex.
The Carnegie, CGN kick off competition for privately funded sculpture
COVINGTON, Ky. – Done r...
COVINGTON, Ky. – The installation of electric conduit for the Covington Central Riverfront development will affect drivers and pedestrians in the area of Madison Avenue and Third Street on and off over the next seven weeks.
The work will be done in six distinct phases, beginning today and ending the first week of April.
At times, lanes of vehicular traffic will be reduced or even shut ...
Amid funding delay talk, Covington asking federal delegation
to pave way for project to move forward
COVINGTON, Ky. – City of Covington officials have spent the week advocating at the highest levels on behalf of the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor project, the multi-billion-dollar transportation overhaul many years in the design and funding process and on the cusp of actual co...
The new parking meters accept credit cards (as well as coins) and feature larger, more visible screens.
Covington parking authority updating devices to increase convenience
COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s a common sight in business districts almost anywhere you go: Drivers and passengers standing for long periods in front of on-street parking meters, trying to figure out how to pay, what t...
Photo 1: What people thought was a preview of the BLINK light show was actually a pseudo-“topping out” ceremony for public infrastructure at the Covington Central Riverfront neighborhood.
Photo 2: And below, the current state of the historically significant but dilapidated Frank Duveneck home.
Photo 3: Breaking ground on a permanent home for City operations.
Photo 4: Bray...
2nd Photo: Light equipment operator Lonnie Johnson loads salt into the small truck driven by laborer 4 Donnie Wright (in black sweatshirt).
(For more photos and video, see the City's Facebook page, @covingtonkygov)
Public Works’ battle to keep streets clear enters 2nd day
COVINGTON, Ky. – There’s a cot in Brad Schwenke’s tiny office attached to Public Works&rsq...
At the start of last fall’s tree-planting event in Eastside, Covington Urban Forestry Board member Jessica Spencer gave volunteers a brief tutorial on roots and the best way to plant a tree.
Volunteers needed for biannual beautification event
COVINGTON, Ky. – Volunteers with shovels who aren’t afraid to get muddy (and no doubt sore) are needed to plant trees in Peaselburg o...
COVINGTON, Ky. – Devou Drive from Western Avenue to Haven Gillespie Boulevard will be closed Monday through Friday next week for sewer and road repair.
Emergency vehicles will have access if necessary.
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Longtime Public Works employee Bryan Snider through the years: cutting weeds; vacuuming leaves (at far right); and posing with co-workers near the Ohio River (at far left).
Co-workers grieving Bryan Snider after long battle with cancer
COVINGTON, Ky. – For more than a dozen years, Bryan Snider worked to make Covington look better.
As a dedicated member of Covington’s Public Wo...