
Public Improvements

A night in the life of a snow plow driver

Careful maneuvering, perseverance required on tight city streets   COVINGTON, Ky. – With scant inches of space between his mirrors and the parked cars on either side, Jason Roberts slowly maneuvered his Ford 250 down 28th Street, his plow scraping the road free of freshly fallen snow.   It was nearly midnight, Roberts was almost six hours into what promised to be a 16-hour shift, ...

Rumpke transfer station closed this weekend

COVINGTON, Ky. – Note to Covington residents looking to get rid of construction/home renovation debris and other bulk trash items:   The Covington Transfer Station will be closed Friday to drop-off traffic starting at noon and all day Saturday temporarily as Rumpke Waste & Recycling, which runs the complex, makes improvements to the site.   But Rumpke will be accepting bulk tr...

Suspension Bridge work starts Monday

City welcomes project but fears impact on businesses   COVINGTON, Ky. – The Suspension Bridge will be reduced to one lane of traffic beginning Monday and closed to vehicles altogether starting Feb. 15, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced today.   The closure will last up to 10 months as part of a $4.7 million restoration project to fix crumbling sandstone on the north tow...

While most of us slept … Snow & Ice Team labored to keep roads safe

Lonnie Johnson, a light equipment operator with Covington’s Public Works Department, prepares to grab another load of salt at the City’s complex on Boron Drive this morning as crews continued to treat roads. COVINGTON, Ky. – The snow fell, the wind at times raged, and the slush on the ground froze and then refroze as surface temperatures fluctuated … but the snow-fighters ...

Prep work on IRS site intensifies

City seeks firms for demolition, environmental hazards removal   COVINGTON, Ky. – Three underground fuel tanks. A 3,000-gallon underground concrete “vault.” A sprawling one-story brick facility whose “footprint” stretches across most of 17 acres. Asbestos. Lots of asphalt.   And cavernous physical plant rooms filled with wires, compressors, greasy gears, gen...

124 ‘hotspots’ expand free Wi-Fi access

Wi-Fi connectivity and the strength of the network signal depend upon a number of geographic and construction factors. Completed Covington Connect initiative eroding ‘digital divide’  COVINGTON, Ky. – Thousands more Covington families have free access to the Internet, courtesy of the all-but-completed “Covington Connect” initiative whose goal is to smash the digi...

Job openings feature outdoor work

The City is hiring landscape and maintenance workers for the year. Here, a permanent employee in the Public Works Department, James Johnson, knocks down weeds on the riverfront. Public Works, Solid Waste & Recycling hiring ‘seasonals’ COVINGTON, Ky. – Want a job working in the fresh air of the great outdoors instead of being “chained” to a desk or stuck on a facto...

Ad circulars piling up? You can opt out

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.) COVINGTON, Ky. – Some people love the ad “circulars” delivered weekly to their doorstep. After all, they’re chock full of information about stores, sales, and services. But some people aren’t so fond, ...

Yes, Virginia, yogurt ‘tubs’ can (now) be recycled

Food containers that look like “tubs” can now be recycled in Covington. Rumpke expands ‘acceptable’ list in Covington’s curbside program  COVINGTON, Ky. – The “Can this be recycled?” quandary just got easier in Covington, at least when it comes to plastic:   Containers for food products like butter, yogurt, and applesauce – aka &ldqu...

‘Problem' trees removed with City’s blessing

Duke pruning this week in West Latonia   COVINGTON, Ky. – A contractor for Duke Energy is pruning trees throughout West Latonia this week, and that work will include the removal of nine or so “problem” trees in the public right of way, City of Covington officials said.   The trees to be removed are either structurally weakened, full of decay, or simply the wrong tree fo...
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