
Public Improvements

City Heights’ needs: $51MM

Report details work to reach ‘safe, decent and sanitary’ standards   COVINGTON, Ky. - Restoring the apartments at Covington’s City Heights public housing complex to “safe, decent and sanitary” standards would cost almost $51 million, with the cost of a total modernization estimated at over $84 million.   That’s according to an independent Physical Need...

New look for Sixth Street

Streetscape project an investment in economic development COVINGTON, Ky. -- Workers with Adleta Inc. construction are making progress on the $1.37 million Sixth Street and Scott Boulevard Restoration Project.   Here, workers dig up the sidewalk and bury the utilities on the north side of Sixth, in-between Madison Avenue and Scott Boulevard.     Work on the long-discussed, federal...

Riverfront Commons taking shape

COVINGTON, Ky. -- Steady activity along the Ohio River is starting to create the shape for the $6.54 million Phase II of Riverfront Commons.   This picture provided by contractor Prus Construction shows the excavation of what will become a 1,350-seat amphitheater facing the river and Cincinnati in the shadow of the mural-decorated floodwall and RiverCenter office towers.   In addition, P...

Rain delay for Touch a Truck, tree planting

Forecast calling for steady downpour pushes events back a week   COVINGTON, Ky. - Two City of Covington events scheduled for Saturday - the massive Touch a Truck showcase and a volunteer tree planting in five neighborhoods - will be pushed back a week because of a forecast calling for torrential rain.   All other details for the events - time, location, and other logistics - will remain ...

Preparing for the coming misery

COVINGTON, Ky. -- The sun was bright in the sky today, but out at the Covington Public Works garage, Covington crews were thinking about snow. Or, more specifically, preparing for those days when they’re called out in force to treat snow-covered streets so residents can go about their lives safely.   While some crew members got a quick refresher course on the equipment, a few of th...

What next for Devou, Cappel Sports Complex?

How to improve the Bill Cappel Sports Complex – which includes the Latonia Water Park & Splash Pad – will be explored at a meeting early Thursday evening. Public meetings Thursday advance Parks & Rec master plan  COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s two biggest recreational assets - Devou Park and the Bill Cappel Sports Complex - will be the topics of discussion Thursday ni...

Volunteers needed to plant 75 trees

Five neighborhoods to get shade on Make a Difference Day   COVINGTON, Ky. - If you need a place to make a difference on Make a Difference Day (Saturday, Oct. 26, around the nation), Covington has five areas where the difference you make will be visible for decades to come.   But only if you like to dig in dirt.   The situation is this: In pockets throughout Covington, the stree...

Return of 'Touch a Truck'

One of the “stars of the show” at the 2018 Touch a Truck event was the MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle used by Covington Police and other law enforcement agencies in Northern Kentucky during hostage situations. Show-and-tell event showcases safety, service vehicles  COVINGTON, Ky. - Trucks and equipment will fill the Latonia Shopping Center’s parking lot next ...

Rebuilt Peaselburg Park open for playing

After the City officially cut the ribbon on the redeveloped Peaselburg Park last week, youth swarmed the park to play basketball and soccer and climb on playground equipment. Next parks in line? Barb Cook (construction) & Goebel (planning)  COVINGTON, Ky. - It was easy to tell “who” from “whom” at the grand opening last week of the redeveloped Peaselburg Park ...

Free tree for your yard

(UPDATE: All the trees have been claimed. The Forestry Department will be reaching out to people who emailed to let them know whether they made the cut-off.) The tulip tree – known for its distinctive leaves and large flowers – is the state tree of Kentucky. ROAD iD donation will grow Covington canopy  COVINGTON, Ky. - Want a free tree for your yard?   The City of Covington h...
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