
Public Improvements

Covington to install floodgate early Monday

As of Sunday night, the Ohio River was measured at 51 feet and lapping at the parking lot underneath the Roebling Suspension Bridge. How high's the water, Mama? 51 feet and rising (quickly)   COVINGTON, Ky. - Traffic at the foot of Madison Avenue will be cut to one lane in the morning as crews from the Covington Public Works Department prepare to install the gate in the floodwall holding back...

Covington vs. Polar Vortex ‘Jayden’

Here’s the lonely view from inside the salt truck driven by the City’s current “snow commander,” Parks and Facilities Supervisor Brad Schwenke, as he drove north on Western Avenue in the middle of the night.   COVINGTON, Ky. -- Members of Covington’s Snow and Ice Team hit the roads in brutally cold temperatures at midnight last night to begin treating the City&rs...

23½ tons of trash receptacles

Here is what Covington’s new public trash receptacles will look like, but painted black.   COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington has agreed to accept a Wisconsin company’s bid to replace public trash receptacles on street corners, which doesn’t seem like a big deal until you consider:  The bid calls for about 235 receptacles. Covington has set aside $200,000 for the purch...

MainStrasse Village garage closed all weekend

Heavy ice will keep the parking garage at 5th and Main streets in MainStrasse Village closed all weekend.  COVINGTON, Ky. - The garage in MainStrasse Village that has been allowing free parking overnight on a temporary basis will be closed through the weekend because of public safety concerns related to heavy ice.  The garage will eventually serve as the foundation of the RiverHaus multi...

Traffic interruptions tonight on Brent Spence

The Brent Spence Bridge. (Photo courtesy of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.) COVINGTON, Ky. - Be careful driving over the Brent Spence Bridge into Ohio overnight.  Traffic will be brought to a stop for brief periods on the bridge between midnight and 4 a.m. Saturday so overhead signs can be installed, Kentucky Transportation officials said this afternoon.   The work is conditional...

Heavy ice closes MainStrasse garage tonight

Heavy ice will close the parking garage at 5th and Main streets tonight in MainStrasse Village. Here is the Main Street entrance to the garage, as it looked in November.   COVINGTON, Ky. - Attention visitors to MainStrasse Village: The parking garage at Fifth and Main streets that is part of the partially constructed RiverHaus Apartments complex will not be open tonight. Frigid temperatu...

Help plan the future of Covington’s parks

The work of the volunteer Parks Advisory Group set in motion the upgrades of several parks, including pending work here at Barb Cook Park in Latonia.  COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington is looking for five more people to join a volunteer group that will help create a master plan for the 30 parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas run by the City.  The mission of the Parks Advisory Group is c...

You’re invited: Open house kicks off IRS site study

COVINGTON, Ky. - For established cities, opportunities like this come along maybe once in their existence: 23 undeveloped acres, one block from a major river, near the heart of downtown.   The City of Covington will soon have that opportunity, and it wants the public’s help.   Next Thursday night, the City and its consultants are kicking off the public conversation on f...

‘Gia’ on way; Snow & Ice Team unfazed

Mark Ranson of Covington’s Public Works Department directs Daniel Chumley forward as the two Covington mechanics attach plows to the City’s truck fleet. COVINGTON, Ky. - The Weather Channel officially named the approaching snowstorm this afternoon, saying over 2 million people across the middle of the country are now under a winter storm warning.  But if Covington’s Snow &...

2018 in Review: Transformation at City Hall

COVINGTON, Ky. - More consistent code enforcement. More active communications. More strategic use of business incentive programs to make sure residents also benefit. Better investment of capital sitting in the City’s bank accounts. A more logical organization within City Hall focused on service delivery.   City of Covington informational bulletins over the last year have chronicled a bl...
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