COVINGTON, Ky. - We’ve all been there: Hot and tired after cutting the grass, it seems like a lot of work to fetch a broom or blower and clean the grass clippings out of the street and off the sidewalk.
But here’s a reminder: It’s illegal to leave those clippings lay.
1) It’s dangerous. Grass clippings (especially fresh ones)...
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington is relaxing its garbage restrictions again next week to let residents throw away bulk trash items without using the special green stickers that are normally required.
The relaxed rules of Trash Amnesty Week, July 23-27, apply to single-family homes and multi-family buildings with four or fewer units.
Next week, residents can place up to three large item...
COVINGTON, Ky. - The crumbling sidewalks that children use to get to school at Sixth District Elementary will soon be fixed.
A contract with TMS Construction of Fort Thomas for nearly a quarter of a million dollars - at a cost of no more than $244,870, to be exact - is expected to be approved as part of the consent agenda of the Covington City Commission during its legislative meeting tonig...
COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s new budget for the fiscal year that begins Sunday takes decisive action to strengthen the City and enhance the lives of its residents.
Operating on the premise that a City Government should be evaluated by the services it provides, the 2018-19 budget allocates money to programs, priorities, and people that give taxpayers results instead of excuses.
The sidewalk leading from Covington’s western riverfront hotels to RiverCenter and the Northern Kentucky Convention Center is narrow, unsafe, and uninviting. In addition, the road pavement (just out of this picture) is failing.
COVINGTON, Ky. - The nearly $875,000 reconstruction of Johnson Street and Rivercenter Boulevard could begin as early as August, providing a more visible and safer con...
COVINGTON, Ky. - A $3.7 million plan to invest in Covington’s low- and moderate-income areas includes $1.2 million in programs designed to help people buy homes and to create, repair and maintain affordable housing.
The Covington City Commission on Tuesday night approved both the budget for the CDBG/HOME Annual Action Plan for program year 2018-19 and guidelines for three of its housi...
Director Rick Davis has focused on modernizing Covington's Department of Public Works and improving customer service.
COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington Public Works Director Rick Davis has a clear and succinct explanation for why his job is satisfying:
“We fix stuff,” he said.
Being able to see the tangible embodiment of his Department’s work - in the form of smooth-surface...
COVINGTON, Ky. - A new phone app and online tool going live today will make it easier for the public to not only report infrastructure problems in the City of Covington but also follow up to see if those problems are being fixed.
Take this scenario:
It's a Saturday morning and while walking in, say, MainStrasse Village, you notice a crumbling curb. Or a pothole. Or a loose sewer grat...
COVINGTON, Ky. – The Latonia Water Park/Splash Pad is fixed and will be open today.
The complex at 43rd Street and Decoursey Avenue was closed Friday after the water filtration system broke.
Employees from the City’s Public Works Department and local electricians spend Friday afternoon and early evening working on the pump and electrical system and got it fixed.
The OSHA heat index, designed to protect workers during hot weather
COVINGTON, Ky. - On brutally hot days, the garbage trucks may be driving down Covington streets an hour earlier than usual.
In an effort to protect workers at Rumpke Waste & Recycling from heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and heat exhaustion, the City of Covington has agreed to let Rumpke begin residential and commercia...